DobsonDev Now Has Disqus

It’s all the rage – and now DobsonDev has Disqus. Right from their website:

If you’re passionate about writing and sharing, Disqus helps you build a community of active readers and commenters.

Hopefully this will encourage everyone to comment and get more involved in discussion on the blog.

In case anyone was wondering – I opted to take the coding approach to including Disqus on here. I tried to use the plugin but I couldn’t get it to work right away so I just switched over to the code solution. If you want to include Disqus on your website – all you have to do is make an account at Disqus and then copy the following code onto your site where you want the comments to show up:

If you are using a WordPress site then this would probably be in your comments.php file in your child theme (that’s where it is on mine).